Health and Wellness…2016

Basketball Weightlifting Do these create memories for you?  Is this the Y? Let me introduce you to some new programs: Blood Pressure Management  An evidence based program that may lower blood pressure and combines personalized support from a Healthy Heart Ambassador with nutritional education. Moving for Better Balance  The principles and movements of Tai Chi…



Do these create memories for you?  Is this the Y?

Let me introduce you to some new programs:

  • Blood Pressure Management  An evidence based program that may lower blood pressure and combines personalized support from a Healthy Heart Ambassador with nutritional education.
  • Moving for Better Balance  The principles and movements of Tai Chi are used to help older adults increase their strength, improve their balance, and increase their confidence in doing everyday activities.
  • EnhanceFitness  An evidence-based fitness class that helps those with arthritis or chronic pain become more active, energized and empowered to sustain independent lives.

These are three examples of programs that we delivered in Southeast Michigan in 2016.

senior exercise - enhance fitness

In each of these evidence-based programs we tested the participants before and after delivery and measured our success.

We are very proud that one of the sites that was chosen to deliver our Blood Pressure Management program was ACCESS, the Arab-American Center for Economic and Social Success.

Questions?  Contact Nickey Rosol, our Regional Wellness Director.  She loves to talk Health and Wellness programming!

New days here at the Y, new programs and new ways for us to give hope.