We Give Hope

As CEO, I’m often asked to provide an abridged statement on the impact of what we accomplish at the Y. Everyone wants the 30 minute “elevator speech”, tough to do when we do so much for so many.  So let’s talk about kids in Detroit and let’s talk 2016…. Through our Detroit Swims initiative, we taught…

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As CEO, I’m often asked to provide an abridged statement on the impact of what we accomplish at the Y. Everyone wants the 30 minute “elevator speech”, tough to do when we do so much for so many.  So let’s talk about kids in Detroit and let’s talk 2016….

  • Through our Detroit Swims initiative, we taught 1100 lessons in water safety, including in those lessons the value and power of positive self-esteem.
Detroit swims
  • In serving meals to 600 children in Detroit, we supplemented their diets with nutritionally balanced meals, taught the importance of personal health and nutrition, and promoted the concept of making healthy choices.
Fresh Basket from our Healthy Living Life Skills Initiative
Fresh Basket from our Healthy Living Life Skills Initiative
  • In providing day camp experiences to 270 children in Detroit we offered a primary focus on holistic development, character development and the value of an enriched academic knowledge.
  • Through collaboration with the “Detroit Creativity Project,” we fostered the creativity of 350 youth through an arts experience.
  • We combined the importance of physical activity to maintain good physical health, with a promotion of character development and self-esteem, as we coached 150 Detroit youth in our “Girls on the Run” and “STRIDE” initiatives.
  • Working with 800 Detroit youth in our “I Can!” program, we instilled the positive message that “they CAN” Live, Work, Play, Learn and Achieve.

But I prefer to be direct and simply tell you we provided hope to over 3,000 children. These are not statistics. These are children, each of whom encountered a significant, life-changing experience because they were part of some Y programming.

What’s the Elevator Speech?  It’s not 30 minutes long, it’s 3 words long…..

We give hope!