Tag: volunteering
Young people from the Plymouth YMCA’s Youth Volunteer Corps honored the legacy of Martin Luther King Jr. with a service project. They teamed with Davenport University to assemble and distribute hygiene kits to homeless veterans at Michigan Veterans Association in Detroit.
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Thanks to a group of families from the I Rise-Family Empowerment Program, a Detroit neighborhood now has several new trees to enjoy, and the families themselves have the satisfaction of making the community a more pleasant place to be. The tree planting happened through a community service even with the Greening of Detroit.
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To Meaghan Schiffler, the world is bigger than just her family, her school, and her city. Inspired by her family’s devotion to serving others, she did two stints in the Plymouth YMCA’s Youth Volunteer Corps this summer. The experience broadened her horizons and made her understand that she can make a difference.
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