Tag: fundraising
YMCA members are so passionate about the Y’s cause that they use their own time to raise funds. Bert Weening, who has helped send countless kids to camp over the years, uses a walker and is 86 years old, but it doesn’t stop him from raising funds at local businesses near Carls Family YMCA.
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The Farmington YMCA is kicking off the Annual Campaign Thursday with the Power of the Y breakfast, which shows the community how they change lives for the better every day. The Annual Campaign provides scholarships to people who otherwise couldn’t afford to participate in Y programs.
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It’s amazing what kids can accomplish when given an incentive. And when that incentive means they can help their fellow young people, do something they enjoy, and have a little fun with one of the adults in their lives? So much the better. That’s what the novice swim team at the Birmingham Y did recently.…
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Girls On the Run Spring season is just around the corner .To ensure that girls who might not otherwise be able to afford to participate in Girls On The Run can enjoy all the benefits of the program, a team of women is heading up a Crowdrise fundraiser to cover costs at the Boll Family…
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Shoppers can enjoy high-end retail in downtown Detroit and benefit the Detroit Swims Urban Swim Initiative, thanks to the Somerset Collection’s CityLoft and Downtown Detroit Days event this weekend. Five percent of sales from the weekend event will go toward the YMCA’s goal of ensuring water survival skills for all children in Detroit.
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A donation bucket for the Strong kids Campaign at the South Oakland Y encouraged 11-year-old Josie Marzorati to do something to raise money for the campaign, After some brainstorming, she came up with a lemonade stand, and Y staff jumped in to help make her vision a reality. She’s since raised more than $600 for…
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Staff at the South Oakland Y have come up with all kinds of creative ways to generate funds for the Strong Kids Campaign. From Zumba parties to a friendly competition between aquatics instructors, innovative fundraising ideas bring in dollars that support the Y’s mission and allow everyone to experience the fun and friendship at the…
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