Discovering potential every day
At the Y we believe that every kid is full of potential just waiting to be unleashed! We also believe that summer camp is one of the greatest places to discover this. Here’s just a few of the reasons why:
- Personal Development – Camp helps kids physically, socially and emotionally.
- Exploration – Kids can unplug and discover new talents and interests.
- Skill Building – Camp helps kids problem solve, be creative and work as a team.
- Creativity – Silly songs, arts and crafts , media and theater foster kids’ artistic side.
- Mental Stimulation – Camp prevents summer learning loss by keeping kids mentally engaged.
This year’s impact by the numbers
- we awarded $301,000 in camp scholarships
- more than 700 children were given financial assistance
- we served over 1,600 campers this summer
Thank you for your support and donations. Every dollar donated to the Y has a lasting impact on the families we serve, and helped give Y Campers the best summer ever! The stories below are just a small snapshot of how your support changes the lives of kids and families in Southeast Michigan.
Camper Stories
Mike’s Story

When camp started, Mike was re-luctant to try some of the STEM activities. He was a little shy. After seeing the other campers enjoying the activities, he finally decided to give it a try. Once he tried, he was hooked! In fact, he was always willing to try them before any other campers. Mike became a great leader at camp. He followed direc-tions and was always willing to help anyone in need.
It was an incredible experience having him at camp. The impact on Mike was incredible. By giving it his all, Mike became a more outgoing camper which encouraged other campers to step out of their com-fort zones and try new things. There is no doubt that Mike left camp and returned to school in-spired and empowered. Mike’s growth at camp changed the whole dynamic of camp at the Macomb branch. His ability to persevere made an impact on other campers, camp staff and camp as a whole. It was a wonderful experience.
Counselor Christine’s Story

James was one of our special needs inclusion campers who needed some extra attention. At first, he didn’t talk much but slowly, through our efforts, he came out of his shell and became excited to come to camp each day. Everyone, including me, benefitted from his time at camp! His smile was contagious and everything about him was so happy it put everyone around him in a good mood!
Rhea’s Story

Thank you so much for giving me and my daughter Justina a camp and scholarship this summer. Attending camp has literally changed her life. My daughter learned valuable lifesaving skills that prevented her from nearly drowning this summer. I am a single, disabled mother and without your support this would not have been possible.