Thank you Staff and Volunteers
At the Y, keeping youth safe is our number one priority and every staff and volunteer has an important role to play. No matter where you work or volunteer within our Association, you help to make sure youth are happy, healthy and safe. This site is intended to provide easily accessible information on our key policies and your roles in keeping kids safe. Please use this site as a reference going forward to help refresh your skills and serve as a resource for all things abuse prevention related. Child abuse is preventable and knowing our policies and understanding your responsibilities is the first step!
Child Abuse Prevention Highlights
A foundational commitment of the Y is to provide a healthy atmosphere for the growth and development of children. Thus, child abuse, and the resulting severe effects, are of primary concern to the Y. Because of our concern for the welfare of children, the Y has developed standards, guidelines, and training to aid in the detection and prevention of child abuse.
In addition, staff and volunteers are screened, including fingerprint screening if required, background checks are conducted upon hiring and periodically thereafter, and staff members who have contact with children receive training in recognizing, reporting, and preventing child abuse. Some of the guidelines for staff and volunteers are as follows:
- Staff and volunteers may not have engaged in or been accused or convicted of child abuse, indecency with a child, or injury to a child.
- A child may not be left unsupervised.
- At no time during a Y program may a staff or volunteer person be alone with a single child where they cannot be observed by others. Staff and volunteers should position themselves in such a way that other people can see them.
- Staff and volunteers shall not abuse or mistreat children in any way, including:
- physical abuse-striking, spanking, shaking, slapping, and so on;
- verbal abuse-humiliating, degrading, threatening, and so on;
- sexual abuse-touching or speaking inappropriately;
- mental abuse-shaming, withholding kindness, being cruel, and so on; and
- neglect-withholding food, water, or basic care.
- No type of child abuse will be tolerated. Any abuse by a staff or volunteer will result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.
- Staff or Volunteers may not transport children in their own vehicles.
- Profanity, inappropriate jokes, displays of intimate affection, sharing intimate details of one’s personal life, and any kind of harassment in the presence of children, parents, volunteers, or other staff is prohibited.
- Outside of the Y, staff and volunteers may not be alone with children whom they meet in Y programs. This includes babysitting, sleepovers, driving or riding in cars, and inviting children to their homes.
- Staff and volunteers may not single out children for favored attention and may not give gifts to youth or their parents.
- Program rules and boundaries must be followed, including appropriate touch guidelines. Children may be informed, in an age-appropriate manner, of their right to set their own “touching” limits for personal safety.
- Children may not be disciplined by use of physical punishment or by failing to provide the necessities of care.
- Staff and volunteers may not date program participants who are under the age of 18.
- Under no circumstances should staff or volunteers release children to anyone other than the authorized parent, guardian, or other adult authorized by the parent or guardian (authorization on file with the Y).
- Staff and volunteers are to report to their supervisor or next level of supervision anyone who violates any of these child abuse rules.
- Staff and volunteers are required to read and sign all policies related to identifying, documenting, and reporting child abuse and to attend trainings on the subject, as instructed by management.
- Staff and volunteers are required to fully cooperate with any investigation by the Y, any law enforcement agency or any other authorized outside agency. Failure to do so is considered misconduct and will result in termination.
- Staff and volunteers are to make sure the restroom is not occupied before allowing children to use the facilities. Staff and volunteers will stand in the doorway of the rest room while children are using the restroom. This policy allows privacy for the children and protection for the adult (i.e., not being alone with a child). Staff and Volunteers should always remain in groups of 3 (i.e. 1 adult, 3 children).
- Any private electronic communication between staff and youth, including the use of social networking websites like – Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, instant messaging, texting, etc. – is prohibited. All communication between staff and youth must be transparent.
Our staff and volunteers will exhibit the highest ethical best practices and personal integrity and provide a professional work environment that is free from physical, psychological, written, or verbal intimidation or harassment. Our staff and volunteers will not physically, sexually, or emotionally abuse or neglect a youth or adult. Our staff and volunteers will share concerns about suspicious or inappropriate behavior with their supervisor or administrator and also report any suspected abuse or neglect of a youth to the state authorities. Our staff and volunteers will accept their personal responsibility to protect youth and adults from all forms of abuse. For clarification of any guideline, or to inquire about behaviors not addressed here, contact your supervisor.
This Y has zero tolerance for abuse and will not tolerate the mistreatment or abuse of youth in its programs. Any mistreatment or abuse by an staff or volunteer will result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment or volunteer service and cooperation with law enforcement.
The Y also has zero tolerance for abuse, mistreatment, or sexual activity among youth within the organization. This Y is committed to providing all youth with a safe environment and will not tolerate the mistreatment or abuse of one youth by another youth. Conduct by youth that rises to the level of abuse, mistreatment, or sexual activity will result in intervention or disciplinary action, up to and including, dismissal from the program.
In addition, our Y will not tolerate any behavior that is classified under the definition of bullying, and to the extent that such actions are disruptive, the Y will take the necessary steps to eliminate such behavior. Anyone who sees an act of bullying, and who then encourages it, is engaging in bullying. This policy applies to all youths, staff and volunteers.
Red Flag Behaviors
The following are examples of red-flag or inappropriate behaviors that all staff and volunteers are required to report:
- Any violation of the Y’s abuse prevention policies
- Seeking unauthorized private time or one-on-one time with youth
- Seeing or visiting with a youth outside of scheduled programing
- Buying gifts for individual youth
- Sending unauthorized electronic communications through text messaging, social media, online gaming, etc.
- Making suggestive comments to youth
- Showing favoritism towards a youth or type of youth
- Youth disclosing that an employee or volunteer makes them feel uncomfortable
Youth-to-Youth Interactions
Most serious incidents of youth-to-youth abuse are preceded by more subtle incidents such as name-calling, taunting, or roughhousing. Interrupting these interactions early and establishing and communicating standards of conduct can keep the Y environment safe. Our Y recognizes that the following interactions are high risk and should be prohibited:
- Hazing
- Bullying
- Derogatory name-calling
- Games of truth or dare
- Singling out one youth for different treatment
- Ridicule or humiliation
In order to adequately respond to and track incidents within the Y, all sexual activity between youth and sexualized behaviors of youth must be consistently documented.
Mandated Reporters
All staff and volunteers must follow Michigan’s mandatory reporting requirements. Staff and volunteers will be trained to be aware of and understand their legal and ethical obligation to recognize and report suspicions of mistreatment and abuse. Staff and volunteers will:
- Be familiar with the symptoms of child abuse and neglect, including physical, sexual, verbal, and emotional abuse.
- Know and follow organization policies and procedures that protect youths against abuse.
- Report suspected child abuse or neglect to the appropriate authorities as required by Michigan’s mandated reporter laws.
- Follow up to ensure that appropriate action has been taken.
In addition to the mandated reporter requirements, staff and volunteers will report concerns or complaints about other staff and volunteers, other adults, or youth to a supervisor. The following methods are also available to all staff and volunteers:
- Call the YMCA Safety Line (313)309-1098
- (This is a voicemail. Please leave a message and The Y will get back to you.)
- Email
- If you are not comfortable making the report directly, make it anonymously through our 3rd party hotline-
- Call Syntrio Lighthouse (833) 203-6459 (English speaking toll free) OR (800) 216-1288 (Spanish speaking toll free)
- Online Reporting Tool
Click Here for More Information on Reporting Abuse.
This Y takes every allegation of abuse or misconduct seriously and will fully cooperate with the authorities to investigate all cases of alleged abuse or misconduct. Staff and volunteers shall cooperate with any external investigation by outside authorities or internal investigation conducted by the Y or persons given investigative authority by the Y.
A staff or volunteer’s failure to cooperate with an investigation will result in disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment or dismissal from the organization.
The following are additional resources for mandated reporting requirements.
Mandated Reporters: Helping Protect Michigan’s Most Vulnerable
Mandated Reporter Interactive Training