Steenie Casadei, who attended sleep-away camp at Nissokone in 1997, writes a message to Piper, her lifelong friend from camp, as Piper’s son is planning to attend the same camp

I had originally decided to go to camp because I wanted to ride horses every day for two weeks straight. What ended up being the real camp story was something I never expected and has totally changed me for life. I can’t even express using words how I felt about myself before Nisso. It was not good. I have a pretty good memory, so there are many things in my life that I feel I’ll remember forever. One thing I know I’ll never EVER forget is the parking lot for the bus in 1997. I was scared senseless because I was convinced that the only friends I was going to make were the horses. Then I got on the bus and this girl who looked so much cooler than me wanted to sit with me on the ride to camp. Then after spending three and a half hours with me she still wanted to be bunk mates. I still remember not knowing how to react to that. That stupid sign on the front of the bus said “FUN BOUND.” It should have said “YOUR LIFE IS GOING TO CHANGE FOREVER TODAY. BE PREPARED.” Thanks, Piper. Not to get all sentimental, but I always thought you should know how important that was for me. All of you really, but Piper started it all. I’m seriously tearing up right now. That place was nothing short of magic. Amusingly enough, I have all the free access to horses that I want now, and all I want is Nisso. You are absolutely right, there are no words. (Your son) will never be the same again, whether he realizes it or not.