February is packed with opportunities to learn, love, and live.

Learn – African History Month gives us an opportunity to learn about the many contributions African Americans have given society. This occasion was started in 1925 as the brainchild of Carter G. Woodson. Learn more here: https://africanamericanhistorymonth.gov/about/

Love – Valentines Day beckons us to let our loved ones know we care. There are many speculations on the origins of the holiday and who was the real St. Valentine. Check out the History Channel report here: https://www.history.com/topics/valentines-day/history-of-valentines-day-2
You can also show our children you love them by running with your heart as we tackle 26.2 in 28 days in the Love2Run Virtual Marathon benefiting Girls on the Run of Greater Detroit. Not only will you support girls in your community, you’ll receive the limited edition GOTR Love2Run marathon medal. Register today: https://bit.ly/2M8Nj7Z #love2run #GOTRdetroit #ymca

Live – Heart Health Month is a call to action for all Americans to take preventive and intervention action to eradicate the leading cause of death in the US: Heart disease, according to the center for disease control. The YMCA can be your heart health partner. Visit your local YMCA: ymcadetroit.org. We are safe, clean, fun and welcoming.
Learn how you can keep your heart healthy today: https://www.cdc.gov/heartdisease/prevention.htm
The YMCA of Metropolitan Detroit is committed to community. In 2019 we established a commitment to Diversity Inclusion Equity and Global work. It is our aim to help create healthier communities through a host of informative and interactive virtual and eventually (when it is safe), in person activities and programs to help strengthen our community. Beginning with African American History Month February 2021, we will kickoff celebrating the diverse groups of people that contribute to make up our world. Watch our posts each week to learn more about African Americans. Next month, our focus is Women’s History.
Remember we can make everyday better together. Join. Serve. Give with the YMCA. Visit YMCADetroit.org.