Category: News
Looking for activities for your kids to do this summer? Tune into this episode of the Zing Podcast to hear about how to keep your child active when school is out!
Cassandra Spratling, a writer with the Detroit Free Press, tells readers how her swim lessons at the Boll Family YMCA in Downtown Detroit are guiding her down the path to becoming a proficient swimmer. Swim lessons at the Y are for individuals of all stages of lives, from babies to young adults to seniors! It’s never too early…
video platformvideo managementvideo solutionsvideo player Featured on WDIV Channel 4 stops at Pattengill Elementary School in Berkley to talk to Natalie Smith, a participant of Girls on the Run, about how the program has inspired her to set some lofty goals.
Featured in the Farmington Press By Sherri Kolade FARMINGTON HILLS — It all started a little over half a century ago, when the YMCA of Metropolitan Detroit decided to form a branch in Farmington Hills in 1965. Since then, thousands of families and youth have called the Farmington Family YMCA home, including longtime member…
Featured in DBusiness The Board of Directors of the YMCA of Metropolitan Detroit announced the election of new officers for a two-year term to its historic Board of Directors. James M. Nicholson, vice president, PVS Chemicals, Inc., has been elected as the 54th Chair of the Board in its 163 years of existence. Following two…