Category: Healthy Living
Finding time to do all the things you’d like to do with your kids before they grow up can be difficult, with busy work, school and activity schedules. The Y’s Adventure Guide program lets parent-child pairs pause to spend memorable times together, while trying activities they might not otherwise do.
Y staff can underestimate the power of simply greeting someone by name, giving a word of encouragement or asking a question. But to members, that kindness goes a long way toward making them feel at home at the Y. Staff at the Macomb Family YMCA discovered that when a member who was moving out of…
Carls YMCA board member Don Nurkala was a busy, active dad of young children, until a mystery illness struck that robbed him of strength and energy. The Y helped his family through that difficult time, and now he’s training for a trialthlon.
Artist Pablo Davis has discovered newfound strength and newfound friends at the North Oakland YMCA.
Anyone who has spent some time at the South Oakland YMCA has more than likely seen Pam running water exercise classes. But many people may not know the story of how the Y has affected her life. Once unable to get around without a wheelchair, she’s now leading water exercise classes and can walk on…
Trainer Lindsay Collis has had a big impact on members at the Livonia Y in the short time she’s been there. She encourages her personal training clients and the people who take her classes to push themselves beyond what they think they can do. It’s paying off for them in weight loss, defined muscles, and…