https://www.cnn.com/2020/03/16/health/homeschooling-during-coronavirus-wellness/index.html Advice for parents to assist with the transition to homeschooling.
https://sgclassesonline.com/go/232-resources-for-parents-during-covid-19-coronavirus-crisis Free interactive learning activities for kids of all ages.
https://www.greatstartwayne.org/findfun Free interactive learning activities for kids, along with fun virtual events from the Detroit Zoo and other area attractions.
https://www.silversneakers.com/learn/ondemand/ Classes, health tips, and workout videos at no cost for eligible older adults.
http://www.nickhelps.com/ Resources and activities for kids courtesy of Nickelodeon.
https://www.ymcamidtn.org/healthy-living-resources/workouts LES MILLS provides a number of virtual classes at several Y facilities. Now available for free to Y members to help you stay in shape at home!