Suit up and change the world.
Ever wonder how laws are made or how government really works? Michigan Youth in Government (MIYG) allows teens to step into the shoes of policymakers, using hands-on experiences to cultivate skills in public discourse, decision making and civic participation.
What is Michigan Youth in Government?
Contact the Metro Youth YMCA for more information
A statewide program organized by the State Alliance of Michigan YMCAs, Michigan Youth in Government is a student-run, student-led model government for teens across the state of Michigan. Student delegations across Michigan organize locally from September to April to prepare for regional and statewide events. Each delegation also chooses a year-long program area to focus on that models one of the systems that powers our democracy. The program year starts with a regional Fall Training Conference and culminates in a Spring Conference in Lansing.
MIYIG Program Components
Program Topics Include:
- Active Citizenship
- Voting Rights
- Governmental Processes
- Bill Writing
- Legislative Debate
- Policy Issue Exploration
- Advocacy & Influence
Leadership Competencies:
- Public Speaking
- Critical Thinking
- Problem Solving
- Effective Communication
- Change Management
- Sustainable Solutions
Committee Meetings (weekly)
Committee meeting agendas will include a call to order, roll call, old business (with approval previous meeting minutes), new business, calendar items and open agenda topics. Meetings will be engaging, interactive, fun and productive. Each meeting will focus on a program topic, and include an activity with small and large group discussions. Participants will have the opportunity to debrief previously attended community events (city council, county commission, township meetings, protests, etc.).
Town Hall Meetings (monthly; dates & times TBD by committee members)
Town Hall meetings will be scheduled monthly for delegates to discuss topics of interest and at their own leisure. These meetings will typically focus on a specific community issue and perhaps involve presentations from community leaders. All town hall meeting topics will be voted on by attending committee meeting members. These discussions will be informal to allow for youth members to make connections and build meaningful relationships outside of scheduled weekly committee meetings.