Y Is the Place for Mom and Daughters

Gloria Fauer and her daughters, Chamra and Corie, have gotten control of their health through their Y scholarship that allows them to swim and work out; both girls have lost a significant amount of weight. But even more than the health benefits, the caring and acceptance they have found at the Y had made a…


It’s not always easy to get an exercise program started, but it’s easier with a friend or loved one–and it’s much easier in an environment where you feel accepted and cared for. That’s what  Gloria Fauer discovered when she joined the Birmingham YMCA with her daughters, Chamra and Corie.

Both Chamra and Corie have lost a significant amount of weight — 43 pounds for Chamra and 39 for Corie. Both go to aerobic swim once a week, and hit the Wellness Center at least twice a week more, using the bikes, treadmills or rowing machine. They even got a medal for participating in a 5K swim in their aerobic swim class.

“The coach is fantastic, and all the women who take the class have just accepted the girls,” Gloria says. And the acceptance is important, because both Chamra and Corie have Down syndrome. Gloria adopted them when they were newborns.

Gloria herself has been able to control her high blood pressure because of the exercise they do at the Y, she says.

Their family receives a Y scholarship so they could belong to the Y and participate in programs, something that’s very important to Gloria. The welcome they have received at the Y has been very meaningful to their family and has provided them a real sense of belonging. Her daughters have become much more excited about their exercise programs over the time they have belonged at the Y, Gloria says. “In the beginning they griped and complained,” she says with a laugh. “Now they can’t wait.”

They also have changed their eating at home, with fast food maybe once month or less, and pizza, pop and ice cream limited to a Friday night treat.  But it’s the Y that has made the biggest difference in their new healthy lifestyle. “Everyone here is so nice,” Gloria says. “They’re all encouraging them to do what they can accomplish.”