Tag: teens

  • Youth Volunteer Corps teens from Plymouth, Farmington, and Downriver YMCAs participated in a great weekend of community service at Camp Ohiyesa this weekend, and we wanted to share some photos from the project! This weekend project was made possible with support from YVC and the Sunderland Foundation through their Big Build Grant, that provides funds…

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  • Over the years, the Redic family has become part of the family at the Farmington Family YMCA. Braeden, now 7; Simone, 10; and Micah, 12; have been coming to Camp Riley through at Farmington Family YMCA for years. One of Braeden and Micah’s favorite activities during the week is kickball, during Free Choice Monday. Though…

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  • Creative students from throughout the Metro area are converging on the Boll Family YMCA for the Y-Arts Summer Institute, which involves them in filming, music production and more. New this year is a partnership with a local artist and a channel for communicating via social media with students from Great Britain.

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  • The young people of the Metro Youth YMCA’s ICan Achieve program celebrated the end of the school year, and all their hard-won accomplishments, with a formal ball at the Boll Family YMCA. The young people enjoyed dancing, food and a photo booth as they marked the end of another successful year.

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  • Youth who participate in the I CAN ACHEIVE program are giving back by helping a needy family this holiday season. On Thursday, Nov. 15th, from 11 a.m. to 11 p.m., Shield’s Pizza on 25101 Telegraph Road in Southfield will donate a percentage of food purchases to the YMCA I CAN ACHIEVE program’s Adopt-a-Family fund.

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  • You’ve probably seen the billboards around Metro Detroit promoting the YMCA’s SWIFT program, but you may not know what exactly the program is. It stands for “Sexual Wellness Information for Teens” and is an 8-week curriculum the Y puts on at schools throughout the Metro area.

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  • An exhibit at the Boll YMCA Lobby Gallery of photographs from Detroit youths participating in the Focus:Hope Excel project gives adults a valuable look at the world through the eyes of these young people, who are too often written off or marginalized. They work with professional photographers throughout the year, and master both photographic techniques…

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  • Preteens and teens are serving as mentors to young children, participating in service projects and learning about themselves and others as part of the Farmington Family YMCA’s reinvented Teen Camp. It’s all aimed at giving them a sense of leadership and self-worth through focusing on others.

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  • More than 200 teens from the Metro area learned the steps to college success at the MYCAN Teen Successfest sponsored by the Metro Youth YMCA.

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  • To Meaghan Schiffler, the world is bigger than just her family, her school, and her city. Inspired by her family’s devotion to serving others, she did two stints in the Plymouth YMCA’s Youth Volunteer Corps this summer. The experience broadened her horizons and made her understand that she can make a difference.

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