New Class Gives Kids a Spin

Parents are always looking for ways to help their preschoolers burn off their boundless energy, and a new class at the South Oakland YMCA aims to do just that while giving them a taste of many different sports.

Parents of preschoolers are always looking for ways to channel their boundless energy, especially during the winter months when going to the park isn’t as much of an option.

At the South Oakland Y, Mike Wilcoxon launched a “Rinse and Spin” class for preschoolers. Anyone who’s been to South Oakland more than once knows Mike; he’s been a part of the Y for 15 years, done about every job possible short of running the place, and is especially popular with kids in Childwatch.

Each class begins with playtime, where Mike will teach them a new sports skill. On a recent morning it was bowling; other times it’s been soccer or basketball. Then the kids have a snack, and then it’s off to the pool for a brief swim lesson. Once they’re all dried off and changed, it’s time for more play until the class is over.

The class draws about four or five kids every session. Parents like it because it allows their children to burn off some energy while they work out; children like it because they can try a bunch of different activities. And Mike likes it, he says, because of “the things that come out of their mouths,” he says with a laugh.

Sarah Tereau, whose daughter Irelyn is in the class, says “It’s good to get them physically active, acclimated to different sports and in the water — and I love Mike, I think he does a great job.”

The class runs Mondays and Thursday mornings from 9-11, and registration is required.