Downriver Y Gets Muppet Vistors

Children in the Kindermusic class at the Downriver Y recently had a visit from two of the biggest celebrities in their world — Elmo and Cookie Monster.

Imagine being a preschooler and hanging out at Kindermusic with your mom, when in walk two of the biggest celebrities in your world — Elmo and Cookie Monster.

That’s exactly the experience kids at the Downriver Y had recently. The two cast members from Sesame Street Live, which was in town for its annual stint at the Fox, stopped in at the Downriver Y. Sharon Karpinsnki, Youth and Family program director, said she was contacted by Elmo and Cookie’s people. They wanted to send the characters for a visit to a local music class, and wanted to spotlight the Y’s connection with the community.

“We had quite a turnout,” she says. “The kids loved it.”

cookie-and-elmoThe Muppet pals didn’t stop at Kindermusik, either … they dropped in (and burned off a few cookies) at a group exercise class, answered some phones at the front desk, and clowned around with members and staff. All in all, it made for a memorable day for the Y.

“It was a lot of fun,”Sharon says. “It was an exciting moment for us all, and an all-around good time.”elmo-class