April is Child Abuse Prevention Month! As part of our commitment to protecting the children in our community, we’re joining youth serving organizations across the country by participating in the Five Days of Action—a week-long campaign, starting Monday April 18th and ending Friday April 22nd, to increase awareness of child sexual abuse and empower and equip us all to prevent it.
The Five Days of Action enforces critically important habits— KNOW. SEE. RESPOND. —which enable us to understand how and when abuse happens, recognize the signs of abuse, and quickly and appropriately respond to it. When we embrace these habits, we foster a culture of child abuse prevention—a culture of happy and healthy children!
We take our commitment to child protection seriously and we hope you do too. Check out our website to learn more about how we keep kids safe and make your commitment alongside us today.
Learn more about protecting the children you love at www.fivedaysofaction.org.
Learn more about Child Abuse Prevention Month here
Five Days of Action is an initiative of the YMCA Champions for Child Protection created and designed by Darkness to Light, with support from YMCA of the USA, The Redwoods Foundation, The American Camp Association, and the Monique Burr Foundation for Children.